Innovative Technologies in Supply Chain Management for Bangladesh’s Readymade Garments Sector – A Comprehensive Review
artificial intelligence, internet of things (IoT), blockchain, big data analytics (BDA)Abstract
Ready-Made Garments (RMG) sector is crucial to Bangladesh's economy, significantly contributing to GDP, employment, and exports. However, supply chain management (SCM) inefficiencies, such as poor demand forecasting, inventory management, logistics, and quality control, pose persistent challenges. This study investigates the potential of integrating advanced technologies like AI, IoT, blockchain, Big Data Analytics, and automation to improve SCM in the Bangladeshi RMG sector. Through a review of literature, industry reports, and case studies, the study assesses the benefits and challenges of technology adoption in the sector. Advanced technologies can enhance visibility, efficiency, quality control, decision-making, and sustainability in SCM. However, challenges such as high costs, data privacy, technical complexity, and resistance to change require strategic planning to overcome. Adopting these technologies can significantly improve the RMG sector's efficiency and global competitiveness, requiring collaboration between policymakers and industry leaders. This study provides a concise analysis of technology integration in Bangladeshi RMG SCM, offering balanced insights to guide future research and industry practices.
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